

I've got the blues.

I sleep too much and eat great quantities and strange combinations of food.

Looking presentable or just not like Britney Spears (K-Fed period) is somewhat of a draining and daunting task.

At the same time, I am working on getting a short story published as well as being productive in other, not so interesting areas of my life that involve being a self made human being.

Thus a strange dual existence of energy levels and ambition makes up my person. I have not quite figured out a way to deal with it, (other than do absolutely nothing for 23 hours, then edit and research for 55 minutes), but i have compiled a list of Dos and Don'ts list in case any of you enter this state tomorrow,or three weeks down the road.

-Get dressed, in things you like. I know you're not going to meet anyone important, (but you might) and do you really want them to remember you as creature human that resembled Animal from the Muppets Crew?

-Work out, Go outside, walk on the street. Being part of this world, is what you're here for!

-Clean your room. And while you're at it, do your laundry for Christ's sake!

-Listen to shiteous sounding, empowering break up music. Try "Stronger" by Christina Aguilara. Then think of all those interviews of pop divas/ mildly successful celebrities where they thank all their exs for giving them the drive and ambition to get where they are today. Then brassily repeat to yourself in the mirror "HOW DO YOU LIKE ME NOW?!"

-Hang out with your friends, try not to be a Debbie Downer

-Be productive as shit. Get things done. Think "mogul." Think "empire." Think "I-can bring-my-small-dog-into-your-store-or-club-or-bar-and-you-cant-say-anything-about-it because-i-own-you-because-i-work-hard."

-Listening to the radio sucks, post break up. We don't want any crying-while-driving incidences do we?embarrassing, not to mention not so safe. Make a pre made playlist for your ipod.

-Stay inside all day and mope. Easier said than done!

-Look for others as a rebound/ source of comfort. It sucks eventually. For both parties.

-Drink too much. (Unless you want to.)

-Put things on hold, to allow yourself to "emotionally recover." This is a fancy way of saying "i'm just going to put aside time to wallow."(EWWW)

I'll be ok, you'll be ok.


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