Here in my car
I can only receive
I can listen to you
It keeps me stable for days
In cars
-Gary Numan
I can listen to you
It keeps me stable for days
In cars
-Gary Numan
Life is good.
You and I are very special and I am glad we are both alive right now.
I drove to work today.
I enjoyed the drive, as sitting alone, in a small, cushioned space with your own air conditioning as well as choice of music is actually quite luxurious when you think about it.
I listened to the morning talk shows. Were you aware that Michael Jackson died today last year?
I turned the channel to some bad music, (the kind with lyrics that make you feel awkward if you’re sitting across from your parents or old people), and thought about things. I realize "thinking about things" is a vague expression, but I’m sure you’ve all sat down and thought about hundreds of ideas, places and events for 3 to 4 seconds and then can’t explain what conclusions you came to.
As I came to my exit, I remembered a conversation where I talked about my love of light, light fixtures and chandeliers.
In response, I received a bored silence followed by a blank stare and then a dismissive head turn.
Today, at 8:30 am on a crowded freeway, I smiled and realized I didn’t really care.
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